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  • Isolate only fully functional, physiologically relevant silencing sRNAs
  • Save time by using an easy single-column 15-minute workflow
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  • Screen for novel sRNAs in uncharacterized samples
  • Simplify downstream analysis and save sequencing cost
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Lexogen is responding to the acute threat
the SARS-CoV-2 virus is posing to all of us

In light of the current grave effects of the COVID-19 emergency on all of us, we first have
implemented actions to ensure the safety of our team. We continue to stay operational
and to help support the research community in fighting this disease.

As a true transcriptomics company we feel obligated and are able to assist with several
key technologies, kits and services to detect and investigate the SARS-CoV-2 RNA virus.

RiboCop rRNA Depletion Kits for Bacteria

  • Efficient depletion of 23S, 16S, and 5S rRNA from
    monocultures and mixed bacterial samples
  • Fast and simple protocol: 1.5 hours with only 30 minutes hands-on time
  • Workflow without enzymatic reactions preserves full-length RNA
  • 1 ng - 1 µg total RNA input
  • Compatible with high and low quality RNA
  • Sophisticated probe design to eliminate off-target effects


  • 384 Unique Dual Indices cover all barcoding needs
  • Rescue of reads maximizes data output and
    saves sequencing costs
  • Universal sets with adjustable read-out length
    accommodate each experiment scale
  • Optimized inter-index distances translate
    into superior index error correction
Lexogen_CORALL_Release_Website_BannerLEARN MORE

CORALL Total RNA-Seq Library Prep Kit

  • Complete coverage of transcripts from start to end
  • Ready-to-sequence libraries within 4.5 hours
  • Unique Molecular Identifiers (UMIs) seamlessly included
  • Excellent protocol-inherent strandedness (>99 %)
  • 1 ng to 1 µg of total RNA input
  • Easy all-in-one protocol


  • Now also available for RNA extraction from blood
  • Efficient depletion of globin mRNA
  • High-quality RNA for demanding downstream applications
  • Total RNA or small and large RNA fractions
  • No DNase treatment – no RNA degradation
Lexogen_TeloPrimeV2_Release_Website_BannerLEARN MORE

TeloPrime Full-Length cDNA Amplification Kit V2

  • Full-length cDNA generation with high yield
  • Exceptional 5‘ cap specificity
  • Ideal for long-read NGS library generation
    (e.g. PacBio™ and Oxford Nanopore™)
  • 1 ng – 2 μg total RNA input
  • Flexible protocol enables use of custom primers
    for reverse transcription


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July 31st, 2023|

Today we launched the Long SIRV module. The long SIRVs are the latest addition to [...]

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July 24th, 2023|

Lexogen’s WIN and LEARN virtual event! Small RNA extraction for RNAi research presents many [...]

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Abstract Epigenetic regulators are constituted by a great diversity of subunits, which are often [...]

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June 17th, 2023|

2021年02月17日01时http伋理分享 - http伋理服务器免费伋理 ...:2021-2-17 · 你当前的位置:首页 > 每日伋理ip分享 > 2021年02月17日01时http伋理分享 2021年02月17日01时http伋理分享 来源: 泥马IP 作者: 邵帅东 2021年2月17日 01:00 HTTP 中国 湖北 荆州 电信 普通伋理ip HTTP 中国 河南 三门峡 电信 普通伋理ip HTTP 中国 江苏 盐城 电信 普通伋理 ...

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We have been at the forefront of RNA research since 2007, and our technologies and products are being used by thousands of scientists all over the world. “Lexo” in Greek means “word”, and Lexogen stands for the word of genes, which is the transcriptome. We strive to be the pioneers in this fascinating field of RNA science, and together with the fastest-growing technology of the past years, the next generation sequencing (NGS), we are sure that we can make a big contribution to the world.



QuantSeq Expression Profiling Library Prep Kits

QuantSeq kits enable cost-efficient sequencing by counting. These kits are an exceptional alternative to standard RNA-Seq and microarrays. Just one fragment per transcript is produced and therefore there is no need for length normalization. This makes data analysis very simple and accurate. Up to 384 samples can be multiplexed in one lane, saving your sequencing space. QuantSeq is available for 3’ mRNA-Seq and targeted RNA-Seq.

QuantSeq 3′ mRNA-Seq Library Prep Kit FWD is the best solution for genome-wide gene expression analysis by sequencing towards the poly(A) tail. The kit is available for 免费伋理地址 and Ion Torrent platforms.

QuantSeq 3′ mRNA-Seq Library Prep Kit REV for Illumina is designed in a way that NGS reads start directly at the 3’ end of transcripts, enabling detailed 3’ UTR analysis and the study of alternative polyadenylation.

QuantSeq-Flex Targeted RNA-Seq Library Prep Kit V2 is designed to make Illumina compatible libraries from any RNA sample using custom primers. It is open for development by advanced RNA-Seq users based on their custom needs.

New! Up to 384 Unique Dual Indices (UDIs) featuring superior error correction for maximal sequencing data output included in new QuantSeq kits (Cat. No. 113 – 115, 129 – 131).



CORALL is Lexogen’s new stranded total RNA library prep kit with excellent whole transcriptome coverage. CORALL enables streamlined generation of Illumina-compatible libraries within 4.5 hours, featuring seamless integration of Unique Molecular Identifiers (UMIs) and exceptional protocol-inherent strand specificity (>99%). The fragmentation-free protocol uses Lexogen’s proprietary Strand Displacement Stop and Ligation technologies to deliver complete transcript representation, including start and end sites.

New! Up to 384 Unique Dual Indices (UDIs) featuring superior error correction for maximal sequencing data output included in new CORALL kits (Cat. No. 117 – 119, 132 – 134).


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The TraPR Small RNA Isolation Kit isolates functional, physiologically relevant silencing sRNAs from any organism, tissue, cell type, or bio-fluid. In contrast to previous state-of-the-art methods, this innovative 15-minute single-column workflow neither requires prior knowledge of the sample, nor does it involve tedious gel extraction steps or lengthy immuno-precipitation procedures. TraPR thus enables the extraction of high-quality sRNAs even from challenging or uncharacterized material, leading to highly reproducible sequencing results.



Small RNA-Seq Library Prep Kit provides a protocol for generation of small RNA libraries for Illumina sequencing directly from total RNA or enriched small RNA.


SPLIT RNA Extraction Kit

SPLITTM RNA Extraction Kit enables a fast and highly efficient extraction of RNA that is free of genomic DNA contamination. The RNA can be recovered as total RNA or split into a large and a small RNA fraction, facilitating the analysis of e.g. mRNA and miRNA from the same sample. Thus the protocol is ideal for seamlessly preparing libraries for NGS of total RNA or its large and small fractions.

免费高匿伋理ip地址 SPLIT RNA Extraction Kit for Blood for efficient depletion of globin mRNA during the extraction.


Lexogen Indexing Solutions

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New! 384 Unique Dual Indices with superior error correction for maximal sequencing data output.



伋理ip软件免费 is a high-sensitivity method for time-resolved measurement of newly synthesized and existing RNA in cultured cells. SLAMseq enables resolution of RNA synthesis and degradation kinetics.


RiboCop rRNA Depletion Kits

RiboCop rRNA Depletion Kits enable removal of ribosomal RNA from total RNA and are suited for Next Generation Sequencing as well as other demanding RNA analysis applications.

New! Now also available for bacteria.


TeloPrime Full-Length cDNA Amplification Kit V2

TeloPrimeTM Full-Length cDNA Amplification Kit V2 generates full-length cDNA from total RNA. It is highly selective for full-length RNA molecules that are both capped and polyadenylated and therefore no cDNA from degraded RNA is being amplified. High-efficiency PCR produces excellent cDNA yields ideal for downstream long-read sequencing applications.


SIRVs (Spike-in RNA Variant Control Mixes)

The SIRVs are available as sets of transcripts designed to validate the performance of RNA sequencing workflows and to control individual samples passing through RNA-Seq experiments. They are available in 3 sets.

SIRV-Set 1 (Iso Mix E0, E1, E2) is made for a detailed validation of isoform-specific RNA-seq pipelines.

SIRV-Set 2 (Iso Mix E0) enables the straightforward assessment and control of isoform detection and quantification in each sample.

SIRV-Set 3 (Iso Mix E0 / ERCC) that combines isoforms and non-isoform ERCC transcripts provides controls for examining isoform resolution and dynamic range resolution.

SIRV-Set 4 (Iso Mix E0 / ERCC / Long SIRVs) contains the long SIRV module with 15 RNAs of 4 – 12 kb length in addition to the 69 isoforms and 92 ERCC transcripts of SIRV-Set 3. SIRV-Set 4 covers three spike-in aspects: isoform complexity, abundance, and length.


SENSE mRNA-Seq Library Prep Kits

SENSETM mRNA-Seq Library Prep Kits generate ready-to-sequence libraries with exceptional strand-specificity from low amounts of input RNA within a few hours. 免费伋理ip适合怎么使用?_黑洞ip:2021-3-13 · 1 免费伋理ip适合怎么使用? 为了让大家能够更好的在网络上完成各项网络营销操作伍及让数据爬虫项目能够顺利进行,伋理ip可谓是功不可没了。毕竟有很多用户用伋理IP是为了解决IP限制,还有很多是为了隐藏自己的真实IP。 are available for Illumina sequencing platforms. An automated SENSE mRNA-Seq Library Prep can be performed on the PerkinElmer Sciclone/Zephyr NGS workstations.


“We used the new CORALL kit for performing transcriptome-analysis of CRISPR-modified cells in order to understand the consequences of deregulated epigenetic modifiers. In our hands the kit performance was highly satisfying in terms of data-quality and reproducibility across biological replicates. It furthermore convinced us with the ease of use, clarity of instructions, details in the manual and handling of reagents.“
Dr. Max Koeppel,
Head of the Functional Tumor Genomics Group at Leibniz-Institute DSMZ, Germany
“We have successfully used the Lexogen QuantSeq FWD kit for the preparation of RNAseq libraries over the last year. The kit provides us with a highly cost effective and reliable, fast solution to generate RNAseq libraries that we subsequently use to assess gene expression levels and most importantly to rapidly compile and assess alternative cleavage and polyadenylation profiles. QuantSeq is a cornerstone for our RNAseq based research, in particular as multiplexing allows us to combine it with cost effective sequencing on the Ion Torrent platform.”
André Furger,
Associate Professor, Chromosomal and RNA Biology, Department of Biochemistry, University of Oxford, UK
“With Lexogen Poly(A) Selection kit I was able to isolate reasonable amount of polyadenylated RNA with no trace of rRNA contamination. I see great advantages of this kit in clear-cut protocol and quite low starting concentration of total RNA that you can easily scale-up based on chosen downstream application. The other thing that should be appreciated is Lexogen customer service that provides you with very high level of support.”
Květoslava Brožinová,
Research Technician, Research Group: ERA Chair – RNA and Immunity, CEITEC, Brno, Czech Republic


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